Jeroen Kool
Visual Artist
Something to write home about
Zin in het alledaagse
From now to then
Something to write home about
Zin in het alledaagse
From now to then
Pinocchio / hout
20x20x40 cm
Pelgrim / hout
15x15x38 cm
Carry me round / keramiek
50x15x40 cm
Tree / keramiek
5x22x45 cm
Eldorado / keramiek, beton, polystyrene, hout
35x8x35 cm
Aankondiging / hout
40x30x8 cm
The ship abandoned / keramiek
45x25x48 cm
Sweet peaks / keramiek
15x15x28 cm
Something lived, left and left something / keramiek
30x35x40 cm
Pursuit of happiness II / keramiek
24x14x18 cm
'Keep on going' / keramiek
Hight 35 cm
In de wolken / keramiek
60x16x35 cm
Dawn of man / keramiek
40x10x40 cm
Memento mori / keramiek
180x15x50 cm
The ship abandoned III / keramiek
17x12x14 cm
Orgel (voor Koen) / Papier /metaal / touw
400x100x500 cm
In hope / dummy, bladgoud, hout, plastic
120x120x200 cm
Devotion / hout / leer
80x18x170 cm
Madonna met kind / hout
Hight: 23 cm
Zelfportret / keramiek
28x12x 30 cm
Stille getuige / hout
Hight 240 cm
Blue sky mining / keramiek
100x100x100 cm
Landschap / keramiek